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Technical items and disclaimer


First be sure, Java is installed. To verify, open a command prompt (terminal) and type java -version
If Java is missing on your computer, get the Java Runtime Environment.

Windows, Mac OS X, any OS Linux
Download the archive (1.9 MB). Download the package
OpenSUSE, Fedora, Mandriva: fachwerk3d-0.4.5-1.1.noarch.rpm
Debian, Ubuntu: fachwerk3d_0.4.5-2.1_all.deb
Extract the archive to any directory.
(i.e. C:\Program Files)
Click the package, confirm installation, type root password.

Alternatively type:
sudo rpm -Uvh fachwerk3d-0.4.5-1.1.noarch.rpm
or sudo dpkg -i fachwerk3d_0.4.5-2.1_all.deb

All releases including source code can be found at the download-page.

Starting the program


If installation was done using the package manager, start Fachwerk3D from the program menu or type fachwerk3d

In case you have installed the zip, change into the directory where you have unzipped the program,
then type ./fachwerk3d


First change into the directory where you have installed the program (i.e. C:\Program Files\fachwerk3d).
Then double-click the file «fachwerk3d.bat» or type fachwerk3d in the command line.

Mac OS X

In Terminal change into the directory where you have unzipped the program, then type

any operating system

Change into the directory where you have unzipped the program, then type
java -jar fachwerk3d*.jar

Double-clicking the file «fachwerk3d*.jar» might also work.
